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Yes, self-published writers need a business plan
I recently came across this article by editor Rob Bignell, an esteemed editor and owner of Inventing Reality Editing Service. And I thought I might offer another perspective.
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5 rules for writing a plot twist
Think of the best twist you’ve ever read or seen. That incredible plot twist that blew you away. A perfectly-executed twist can make your readers scream “Aha” and pull them deeper into the climax of your book. A badly-executed twist, on the other hand, has a tendency to make your readers close the book and never open it again. So how do you do the former?
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Advance Reader Copies: What they are, why they’re important
If you’ve ever worked in a bookstore, you’ve probably seen a stack of books labeled “Not for Retail Sale” sitting in a back room for people to peruse. What you may have not realized is that these books are an important part of distribution and marketing called Advance Reader Copies. So how do you use ARCs, and why are they important?
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FAQ for writers looking for advice on Social Media (Updated January 2019)
I belong to a handful of social media groups that target writers of all kinds. I see a lot of the same questions posted a lot, and wanted to do my part to help answer common ones. feel free to share this post to any new writers looking for advice. But be aware: my answers are honest, and honesty is sometimes hard to hear.
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The Trust (Lampert Files #1)
Many years ago, a wealthy businessman left behind a trust whose sole purpose was to investigate the paranormal activities of a small Kentucky town. After the murder of a researcher performing routine demographic surveys, journalist Kyle Lampert investigates.
This is the first in a short series of novellas featuring the trouble-magnet journalist Kyle Lampert and the incredibly clever Marcie Teeter.
Sam’s FAQ for Writers who Post on Social Media Asking for Advice
I belong to a handful of social media groups that target writers of all kinds. I see a lot of the same questions posted a lot, and wanted to do my part to help answer common ones. feel free to share this post to any new writers looking for advice. But be aware: my answers are honest, and honesty is sometimes hard to hear.
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I have debated making this post. Afraid it would be seen as a publicity stunt, or a virtue signal, or any other number of terrible things people do to exploit the fear that surrounds death. But after giving it some thought and a good night’s sleep I have decided it’s worth saying.
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Announcing my NaNoWriMo 2018 Book: The Magician on Main Street
I am happy to announce my 2018 NaNoWriMo novel, the sequel to The Wizards on Walnut Street: The Magician on Main Street.
Follow Andy, Apollo, Killian, gangster gnomes, a talking alcoholic snake, and a recently-resurrected mummy as they discover a new force threatening every magical creature in Cincinnati.
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